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Dancing with Ease & Moving With Freedom
Jean Fung

Argentine Tango & Feldenkrais
Privates Groups Workshops
NYC-DanceManhattan Princeton
267 625 6678
Feldenkrais® & FunTANGO

JEAN'S Classes & Workshops for 2009 -


Liberate Your Inner Dancer!


What Participants say:

“Working with Jean only a short time has brought my dancing to a new level.
My dancing has never been better” – A T Carter

My scoliosis discomfort was relieved after attending Jean’s ATM  workshop - this Feldenkrais is Amazing….  I do some of those movements each day and I have stayed pain-free and can dance as much as I want now.”  NW


OTHER Testimonials for Feldenkrais Method…..

“I have been intrigued by this subtle form of retraining the nervous system, which I recommend to patients whose movement has been restricted by injury, cerebral palsy, stroke, fibromyalgia, or chronic pain.  I find it to be much more useful than standard physical therapy.  I also believe that the Feldenkrais Method® can help older people achieve greater range of motion and flexibility, and help all of us feel more comfortable in our bodies.”
-Andrew Weil, M.D. Author of Spontaneous Healing and Natural Health, Natural Medicine

“The Feldenkrais Method has allowed me to play pain free golf, without worrying about injury.”

-Duffy Waldorf, PGA Tour Golfer

“The Feldenkrais Method is the most sophisticated and effective method I have seen for the prevention and reversal of deterioration and function.”

-Margaret Mead, Ph.D., Anthropologist



How the Feldenkrais Method® can give you a happier, healthier working body


Improves coordination, posture & balance

Re-TRAIN your nervous system for "CORE" strength

• Improves flexibility of your brain and your body

REDUCE knee, foot, back, neck & shoulder discomforts

Dance easily & freely without pain or fear of injury

• Everyday activity becomes more fluid, graceful & elegant

In the lessons new skeletal orientations to gravity produce the feeling of lightness and ease.  You reduce chronic muscular tensions and free your body to move more efficiently, effectively and spontaneously, so that you can dance, move with greater ease and finesse.


Organic learning is essential. It can also be therapeutic in essence. It is healthier to learn than to be a patient or even cured. - Moshe Feldenkrais


Argentine Tango Embark on an adventure of body, & soul, this sensuous dance connects the world.




jeanfungJean Fung, GCFP

Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Teacher, Argentine Tango Instructor, and is a former research scientist.


“Feldenkrais”; Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration® and Awareness Through Movement® are registered service marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America [FGNA]
Jean did Special workshops with SPiCEevents.net with Salsa & Tango using the Feldenkrais method.

  Jean also does affiliated workshops with John F. Quinn, Master Feldenkrais Practitioner